Monday, February 20, 2012

"Why do girls like vampires?" My theory

      With the undeniable surge of popularity in books, movies, and television shows that feature vampires, comes the question: Why do girls like vampires?
      Chris Illuminati does an excellent job of explaining this in an article posted on I especially agreed with several points he made in reasons number three through six. 
     I disagree with Mr. Illuminati about reason number one. I don't think vampires are desirable because "Women love bad boys." First of all, I think that's a misunderstood myth that's been passed down from generation to generation. I realize the leading lady in movies often fall for the guy with the leather jacket, tattoos, cigarettes, motorcycle, fast car (insert trait here depending on the decade). However, I don't think it's because he's "bad." 
     I think it's more accurate to say many girls are attracted to guys who are artistic, individualistic, and passionate--the poet, the musician, the actor. These guys are often mistaken as "bad." The vampires we see in fiction often fit into this category, too. Obviously, there is the danger factor with the creatures of the night, but I think it's more symbolic than literal. Women don't want a man who is bad or dangerous. They just want passionate, eternal love.
     Which is why I think reason number four explains the vampire obsession best. It's not really about the guy. The attraction to vampires is more about capturing the romantic feeling of a love that never dies.

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