Signs from Heaven, God Winks...There have been many names attributed to the phenomenon of receiving messages from loved ones who have crossed over.
I personally have received many of these signs.
The night my daughter, Alicia, was killed (but before I knew), I heard my wind chimes clattering in the "wind" on a hot, muggy August night. There wasn't any wind...
It gave me an eerie and uneasy feeling. About 30 minutes later, police were at my door giving me the worst news of my life.
It's my belief that Alicia passed by to warn me of the devastating news to come, and also to let me know she was okay, and that she wasn't really gone.
Since then, I have seen so many different signs, messages, clues, etc. that it's difficult NOT to believe that it means something.
I don't think everything I hear or see is from Alicia, but when something special or unusual happens AND I get a strong emotion from it, I tend to think it's my little girl shining through. Sometimes I feel my mom or sister is sending me a message but not nearly as often as what I believe to be from Alicia.
One of the most frequent signs I get relates to dragonflies.
In 2001, we watched an emotional movie that really moved me called "Dragonfly." It was about a wife who was in an accident and sending urgent messages to her husband (Kevin Costner).
Here's a link to the IMDB website if you want to check it out:
A few years later, Alicia gave me a dragonfly pin.
So it makes sense that Alicia would send me messages via dragonflies. To clarify, I see MANY dragonflies every day in my backyard. I think most of them are just regular insects doing their thing. But once in a while, I just get a vibe from one dragonfly that flies close or lands on my car antenna or something. I can't explain it, really. It's just a feeling.
The other night, my husband and I were taking pics outside. I was taking some of the pretty sky streaked with pink. Then I saw this and my jaw dropped:
It's a perfect dragonfly in the clouds, with thorax and wings and everything.
Wow, just wow! I said "Okay, Alicia, message received loud and clear!" <3 p="">3>
What kind of signs or messages do you get from your loved ones who have passed away?
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