I categorized the most common phases I have been encountering along my journey of grief. Being able to define what I am going through enables me to better explain my state to others around me. The list also gives me a sense of direction so I can choose the best route to take to move toward healing. I hope that sharing this may help others in their grieving, also.
Description of Days
Anxiety Day - feeling nervous or scared, pacing, not resting, not sleeping well
Dark Day - bad dreams, bad memories, scary thoughts
Denial Day - feeling numb, not wanting to think about the tragedy or not being able to think about it, pushing people or thoughts away
Gratitude Day - feeling grateful for someone or something in your life, having something happen or receiving a gift that your thankful for, having someone reach out to you in a positive way, feeling blessed in general, appreciating what you have
Healing Day - taking time to be alone, resting, praying, lighting candles, cleansing yourself and your environment, trying to eat healthy, getting fresh air and exercise, expressing creativity
Heartache Day - feeling upset and feeling the physical symptoms of it
Light Day - feeling light, having some acceptance, seeing the Big Picture of the Universe, enjoying nature, getting a sense that your loved one who died is ok and that everything will be ok
Lonely Day - missing your loved one or just feeling alone in this tragedy
Remembrance Day - doing something in your loved one's honor at a certain time (birthday, date of death, holidays, or marking any period of time)
Rough Day - having to go somewhere you don’t want to go or do something you don’t want to do, feeling highly uncomfortable, feeling highly frustrated in people or misunderstood, getting your feelings hurt, feeling like nothing’s going right, feeling pressure, having too much to get done, seeing or hearing something that upsets you especially pertaining to our tragedy
Sad Day - crying, low energy, feeling sad or blue
Special Day - having a special experience, having something great or miraculous happen, seeing signs of your loved one's presence, getting little gifts from your loved one
Spiritual Day - connecting spiritually, thinking about God/Heaven/Angels, wondering what all this means on a spiritual level, contemplating where your loved one might be
Taking a Break Day - trying to have fun, not thinking about sad things, focusing on something good, looking forward to something, watching comedies, playing games, socializing, smiling, laughing
Why Day - questioning why this happened, feeling frustrated, mad, confused
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